If you have a salt water pool system, you’ll need to clean your pool’s salt cell regularly to keep it functioning properly. In this video, our experts explain how to do this.
Audio Transcript
Ricardo: Hi, my name is Ricardo with Pools by Design.
Michelle: And I’m Michelle. We’ve had several people ask how and when to clean a salt cell. You should do this every three months to keep your saltwater system running smoothly.
Ricardo: First, disconnect the Intellichlor or Ichlor cell. If it is connected to the Intellitouch load center, disconnect this as well.
Michelle: Switch off the system pump, unscrew both unions, and remove the electrolytic salt cell from your pool system’s plumbing.
Ricardo: Then, place the o-ring in the acid wash stand and thread the acid wash stand onto the Intellichlor switch or Ichlor cell.
Michelle: Create an acid solution by mixing one quart of muriatic acid with one gallon of tap water in a five-gallon plastic bucket.
Ricardo: It is important that you follow some key safety protocols while doing this.
Michelle: First off, make sure you wear eye protection, use rubber gloves for your hands, and make sure you work in a well-ventilated area.
Ricardo: It is essential that you NEVER add the water to the acid. ALWAYS add the acid onto the water.
Michelle: When you are ready to add the acid solution to the salt cell, place it, with the acid wash stand installed, on a flat surface.
Ricardo: Carefully pour the acid onto the cell until the blades are just covered.
Michelle: You should notice the acid solution bubbling and foaming while it cleans the blades. And the acid solution should only be contained in the cell, not around it.
Ricardo: The foaming is caused by the scale, calcium bicarbonate, being dissolved.
Michelle: Keep the salt cell in the solution until the foaming stops or for half an hour, whichever comes first.
Ricardo: Then, pour the solution back into the five-gallon bucket you used to mix it.
Michelle: Rinse the cell thoroughly with clean tap water.
Ricardo: Unscrew the acid wash stand and o-ring from the threaded end of the cell. You can use this kit again when you need to clean your salt cell next.
Michelle: To replace the salt cell, use the two unions to reinstall it into your pool system’s plumbing. Then, connect the power cable to the power source or load center, and switch your pool pump back on.
Ricardo: Thank you for watching. Be sure to like and subscribe for more pool maintenance tips. If you have any questions, leave a comment below.
Michelle: See you soon!
Visual Transcript
A man and a woman in summery clothing stand in front of a custom backyard pool in Tucson, AZ. They explain how and when to clean your pool’s salt cell. While they talk, there are close-ups of their faces while each of them is explaining the steps of the salt cell cleaning process.
Throughout the explanation, there are videos of a man removing a salt cell from the pool’s plumbing and showing its various components.
The video ends with an aerial video of the custom pool along with the logo for Pools by Design, local Tucson pool builders. The screen also displays the website poolsbydesignaz.com and the phone number (520) 797-6675.